Cultivation of strawberries in Greenhouses

الفراولة في البيوت المحمية

Cultivation of strawberries in Greenhouses

Strawberries are considered one of the plants that are classified as flexible fruits that are grown easily, and the cultivation of strawberries in greenhouses is one of the best methods used.

This is so that it is available in abundance throughout the year, not to mention that it is grown only once throughout the year,

Strawberry cultivation is also widely spread in many regions around the world, both areas that are cultivated in open lands

Or even through greenhouses that provide all the environmental needs of the strawberry plant, as well as the appropriate climate for the plant to grow naturally.

Best time to grow strawberries in greenhouses:

The dates for planting strawberries in greenhouses vary according to the regions in which strawberries are grown.

Therefore, we find that in temperate regions, it is preferable to plant strawberries in the summer, due to its abundant production in this season.

In addition, it is possible to delay its cultivation until the first half of the last month in the summer months, as the maximum extent for its cultivation.

However, it is grown in greenhouses in alpine regions and places characterized by frosty weather at the time of the second and third months of spring.

It is also preferable to plant strawberries, whose trees are always fruitful, in the fall season.

This is to give her enough time to get used to her new environment, and she can establish healthy roots with enough time for her.

Benefits of the strawberry plant:

The strawberry plant is one of the most important crops rich in many nutritional values.

There are also many benefits from the important elements, the most prominent of which are the following points:

The strawberry plant is an antioxidant plant that works to protect the body from cancer diseases.
It also reduces the appearance of aging and its symptoms on the body.
One of the best types of fruits that reduce heart disease as well as blood vessels.
It plays an important role in improving all body functions, improves brain health, strengthens memory and protects against Alzheimer’s disease.
It provides the body with manganese and folic acid, in addition to that, it is one of the best plants for the health of a pregnant woman, which helps the growth of fetal tissues through vitamin B.

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