Top 9 Agricultural Terms for Greenhouse owners

مصطلحات زراعية لأصحاب البيوت المحمية

Top 9 agricultural terms for greenhouse owners

Agricultural terms, which are a set of agricultural names and terms that any farmer may need,

The growers of greenhouses also need to know it, and this is due to the preparation for the proper handling of it, in addition to implementing the agricultural operations related to it in an ideal manner.

Agricultural terms are the largest in the United Nations (FAO) terminology database.

This list also includes terms that express the devices and processes, and finally the different agricultural steps.

This includes the terms concerned with the preparation and service of the land, as well as the cultivation and care of crops.

Top 9 agricultural terms for greenhouse owners

We will put in front of a list of the most prominent 9 agricultural terms for greenhouse owners that they need to know:


It is a small plant that grows from the vegetative part of the plant.

It is usually transferred from the container in which it was planted to the permanent field.


It is a perennial woody plant, which is lower in growth than the tree.

It also has a stem branching from the bottom, and its height cannot exceed 3 or 4 meters.

These small shrubs are often planted in gardens with limited space, and examples are; Basil and rosemary bushes.

The mind

It is part of the stems of plants, including a group of nodes, and can also be used in the propagation process.

Vegetative Propagation

It is the propagation of plants using part of their parts.

Plant Fences

It is a group of plants, and they are planted side by side and in consistent rows.

Flat Green

It is the area planted with one type of herbaceous plant, and densely covers the surface of the earth.

Agricultural Pests

It is a group of biological organisms, either insects, bacteria, parasites, or even undesirable weeds.

Soil Improvers

They are organic materials added to agricultural soil, with the aim of improving its properties.

Weaning (or as it is called fasting)

This term means the complete cessation of the irrigation process near the harvest of the crop, or near the ripening of the fruits.

This fasting is often used with potato plants, potatoes, as well as taro

This procedure is also taken before the harvest season with a period of time ranging from 2 to 4 weeks.

Read more about: What are greenhouses?