Hydroponics in Greenhouses

الزراعة المائية

Hydroponics in Greenhouses

Hydroponics in Greenhouses .. With the development of research and science, the impossible has become possible, and we have easily found new and innovative solutions to problems in various fields.

One of the areas facing the most complex problems is the field of agriculture, because it is currently more difficult. This is due to many factors represented in several points..

For example: the lack of resources compared to the world’s population, and climate changes resulting from the emission of exhausts and the phenomenon of global warming.

in which the percentage of carbon dioxide increases and the rate of oxygen decreases,

The global crises also caused the deterioration of the agricultural field. As a result of the high costs of production requirements, consisting of fertilizers, seeds, labor, and the lack of green spaces,

As well as the continuous removal of the green surface from fields, gardens and forests, to replace them with buildings and buildings.

All of this and more led to the lack of suitable conditions for growing some crops, such as soil, climate, and a suitable amount of water for irrigation.

Which prompted investors and farmers to resort to farming in greenhouses.

Also, the development did not stop here, but it is possible to carry out the cultivation process without soil, which is known as the hydroponics system or the aquaculture of plants,

Hydroponics is a method used to grow plants without the use of any soil, in which crops are grown with a nutrient solution that provides the mineral nutrients needed for growth,

This method of cultivation is preferred to be used in protected houses.

Requirements for hydroponics in greenhouses “five main elements of growth”:


Light: Its main source is sunlight, but due to climate changes and the absence of the sun for a long time in some countries, its rays are compensated by supplementary artificial lights, and this is what is easily provided in greenhouses.
Carbon Dioxide.
Water: It is the main element for completing the cultivation process and affecting its quality in a large way.

Hydroponics in greenhouses also has a role in saving the amount of water because it uses a drip irrigation system.

Nutrients: They are divided into major ones such as: nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, and secondary nutrients such as: boron, calcium, copper, iron, manganese, sulfur, and zinc.